Glenda’s Smile in a Day

“In just a few hours I’d come from painful, falling-apart teeth to something that really look completely different. Amazing.”

Following a recommendation from her dentist, Glenda Foster had her full set of upper teeth restored at TDC Implant Centres in Harley Street in 2016.

“Even though I’d been to the dentist every six months all my life, I’d had so many problems and complications over the years – with wisdom teeth, root canals, having crowns done and replaced.

And right at the front I had 2 baby teeth that weren’t removed. So, when they fell out in my forties, I had to have a denture.”

Glenda found that her dental problems increasingly affected her day to day life.

“My top teeth were so difficult to eat with and, more importantly, I was obviously “sissing” as people couldn’t properly hear my name when I spoke on the phone.

I just made a decision that I needed to do this for the sake of my everyday life.”

She came to TDC Harley Street to have her consultation with Dr Anthony Zybutz.

“Anthony was very good at explaining. He was caring, and confirmed that what I thought had to be done should be done. Plus, I was really pleased that TDC were able to do the tooth implant procedure without sedation as I wanted to be awake during surgery.

Not being able to eat, not being able to talk properly – Smile in a Day dental implants were just the best option for me.

Surgery day

“It was done in a day. It was just great. It went smoothly from start to finish.

I arrived at midday – I had afternoon surgery as I was just having my upper teeth done – I went alone but was picked up to go home about 8pm.

I’ve had surgery before where it’s taken a couple of hours for a single tooth, so to have the whole set done in 3 or 4 hours and get some teeth to come home with was great.

Even though they were just the temporary teeth they still looked really good. I couldn’t believe that the temporary (fixed) teeth were so similar to the permanent ones that were placed three months later.”

A change for the better

“My day to day life is the same as before except that I’m no longer in pain, and I can eat and speak properly. And people can understand what I’m saying. Before treatment everything was so wobbly or painful or difficult to eat with – afterwards it was just such a transformation.

I have more confidence when I eat now, and certainly I can eat nuts and apples and things I couldn’t eat before with my top teeth.

I never did it for cosmetic reasons, although it looks much better for people speaking to me. It’s a bonus that it looks so good.”

Planning to have new bottom teeth

Glenda is now planning to have her bottom teeth restored with TDC Smile in a Day.

“My lower teeth are becoming more and more of a problem and I’d have to spend a lot of money getting them sorted out with root canals and crowns that might not even be successful, so I feel I just want to go ahead and get my bottom teeth done.”

A personal investment

“It is a financial consideration, and I’m not someone who goes out and spends a lot of money on clothes or eating out.

Having my top teeth done was a one-off for me, and doing it again for my bottom teeth is something very special. But I feel it’s your everyday life, and what’s the point if you can’t carry on being fairly normal as you get older?

I never thought about going abroad. You hear about people doing different things and having complications, and you just feel you want to have it done properly.

Michael and Anthony are a great team being brothers – they instinctively work so well together as surgeon and aesthetic dentist. I could feel how smooth the liaison was with my treatment.

Everybody at TDC has been fantastic. Very caring. Each person understands their role in the procedure, and the aftercare is just as good as the consultation and treatment.

You feel like you’re in the right hands.”

If, like Glenda, you would like to find a permanent solution to your dental problems or learn more about how TDC Smile in a Day benefits people with loose and missing teeth, book your free consultation* here or call 020 3553 6415. We have TDC Implant Centres in Harley Street and Folkestone.