Are you suitable for Smile in a Day implants?

13 Jul 2016

There are many factors to consider when deciding if dental implant treatment is the right long-term tooth replacement solution for you.

Maybe you have problems with your loose and missing teeth, or your gums, or your smile. Perhaps you’re not able to speak clearly, eat normal food, or even taste it. Or maybe you’re in pain and you want it to stop.

Dental implants are a great option if:
• You’re missing some or all of your teeth
• Your teeth are loose
• Your loose teeth are causing you pain
• You wear dentures but they’re irritating, loose, keep falling out or stop you eating properly
• You have a failing dental bridge which needs replacing
• There are healthy foods you’re physically unable to eat, which is affecting your nutrition
• You just want to eat what you want, when you want
• You are afraid to smile and to go out socially because of how your teeth look
• Your speech is being affected by problems with your teeth and dentures.

Am I a candidate for dental implant treatment?

There are many reasons why we might give someone dental implants, and there is a really simple test that can tell you instantly if TDC Smile in a Day treatment could be the option for you.

You don’t need to be a dental expert to do it, and there’s no specialist equipment required.

The apple test

You just need one simple bit of kit: an apple.

Try to bite into an apple.

If you can’t do so without it hurting – or if just the thought fills you with anxiety – then dental implants could be the right solution to replace your missing teeth.

How can dental implants help me?

Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed into the jaw bone to replace the natural roots of decayed or missing teeth. They can be used to replace a single missing tooth, multiple teeth or full upper or lower arches.

When a full arch of teeth is restored on implants it is known as full jaw tooth replacement. Most of our patients at TDC require at least one full jaw replacement, often both.

The dental implants provide a strong foundation for a bridge of new artificial teeth that can then be fixed onto the implants, giving you secure, natural-looking teeth that remain permanently fixed in place. They are the closest solution to natural teeth.

The result is that you can bite and chew just as if you had natural teeth, and you get back a beautiful smile that you can be proud of.

So, no more inconvenience or worry about slipping dentures, no more painful, unattractive loose and missing teeth.

What if I have been told I am not suitable for dental implants?

Many of our patients have been told by their dentists that they do not have enough bone for dental implants or their gum disease (periodontal disease) is too advanced. They come to us as a last hope.

Under the clinical care of our Lead Surgeon, GDC registered UK Specialist Periodontist, Dr Michael Zybutz, we routinely and predictably help patients who have been mistakenly told that they are not suitable for dental implants and that their only option is false teeth.

We have helped hundreds of patients, restoring securely fixed teeth and smiles in just a few hours.

Can I have dental implants if I smoke?

Yes – you can smoke and have dental implants and we successfully treat many people whose smoking has been a factor in their tooth loss.

However, we do advise patients about the impact of smoking on your overall well-being, your oral health and on the possible reduced success rate of dental implant treatment.

According to the Oral Health Foundation, “Smoking can also lead to gum disease. People who smoke are more likely to produce bacterial plaque, which leads to gum disease………..Gum disease is still the most common cause of tooth loss in adults.”

We often find that patients who smoke – even heavy smokers – decide to quit after investing in their dental implants.

Read our article “Can I have dental implants if I smoke?

How can TDC Smile in a Day help me when other dentists say they can’t treat me?

TDC Smile in a Day is an award-winning clinically proven same-day dental implant treatment that delivers consistently outstanding results.

With the Smile in a Day dental implant process, your first set of fixed replacement teeth is placed on the same day as your dental implant surgery.

They remain in place night and day whilst the bone in your jaw bone integrates with the implants; this healing process is known as osseointegration and takes two to three months.

As these replacement teeth are fixed onto your dental implants (not removable by the patient), there is no need to wear a removable temporary denture during this phase as you often do with traditional dental implant treatments.

We exchange your first set of teeth for your final long-lasting set about three months later at a non-surgical appointment.

Why the technique is suitable if you have extreme bone loss

During your Smile in a Day oral surgery, the dental implants are placed at very precise angles, allowing us to use the maximum amount of available bone – hence being able to help people with extreme bone loss, and bone grafts rarely being needed. We usually place four dental implants in each jaw to provide a stable foundation for your new teeth.

Occasionally a patient may need additional treatment such as specialised zygomatic (cheekbone) implants.

TDC are one of the few UK specialist dentists able to provide this service. Even when zygomatic dental implants are needed, we can still place the implants and a full set of first fixed teeth on the same day.

Using analysis to confirm your suitability

The ‘apple test’ is a handy shortcut but of course, every patient is different and has their own unique dental history, requirements and preferences. Same-day implants are not a routine dental procedure, so it is important that you are fully assessed to ensure Smile in a Day is the right solution for you.

At your initial consultation, one of our highly qualified dentists will talk with you and examine your mouth and any existing natural teeth.

You can then discuss your options together.

At the end of the consultation, if you and your dentist agree that you are likely to be suitable for dental implants and you wish to progress to the next step, you will have a CT scan.

The scan takes detailed 3-D computerised images of your jawbone – showing our team where and how much healthy bone there is available for us to use and the precise placement of your dental implants (the images are used during surgical planning). The cost of the scan is £195.

Your CT scan is analysed by our Lead Surgeon, along with information gathered at your initial consultation. At this point we can confirm that you are definitely a suitable candidate for Smile in a Day dental implants and provide you with your personal written treatment plan.

You can then decide if you wish to go ahead with the procedure.

Dedicated implant centres – it’s what we do

We perform the procedure at our three dedicated implant centres in London’s Harley Street, Folkestone and Peterborough. We do not offer routine dentistry – our daily focus is on dental implants.

And although the treatment is suitable for single, multiple or full jaw tooth restoration, the majority of our patients require at least one full jaw of teeth replaced on implants, often both.

Due to our focus, experience and skills we are able to help even the most challenging and complex cases.

Whilst many patients self-refer to our centres after researching for themselves, many others are referred by general dentists for our specialist skills and experience in the field of dental implant placement.

We offer specialist–led clinical and patient care

Our team is made up of highly experienced dentists, dental nurses and support staff.

As well as over 25 years placing dental implants, we have been at the forefront, practising the Smile in a Day technique since it was first introduced into the UK. In fact, TDC was founded specifically to offer the procedure over 10 years ago.

As an American-trained and UK-registered Specialist Periodontist, Dr Michael specialises in the area of dentistry that is to do with the gums and bone surrounding the teeth, and the placement of dental implants.

Registered periodontal specialists are essentially experts in their field with a proven track record of implant placement, with an ability to successfully treat the most complex cases.

Is it possible that I am not suitable for Smile in a Day dental implants?

Over 99% of patients who we put forward for a CT scan are suitable for treatment.

Although you don’t need special requirements to benefit from Smile in a Day dental implants, the procedure is suitable even for patients with serious gum disease and extreme bone loss.

And in the vast majority of cases, no bone graft procedure is needed.

If we do not think it is right for you, we will discuss alternative solutions with you at your consultation. Our priority is patient safety and maintaining our high success rate and outstanding results.

“It’s almost never the lack of sufficient bone that excludes you from having implants – our Smile in a Day treatment is designed to make maximum use of what little jaw bone you have without the need for bone grafting. It’s usually due to medical conditions, for example diabetes,” says Dr Anthony Zybutz, TDC’s Lead Dentist.

“In this case, we will refer you back to your GP who is likely to prescribe a new diet, exercise and medication. Usually, you will be ready for your Smile in a Day treatment in just a few months.”

Talk to us

If you want to find out if Smile in a Day treatment could be right for you, you can request your free consultation* with one of our experienced implant dentists.

Or call 020 3553 6415 to speak with one of our friendly Patient Advisors – they will be happy to discuss your personal needs and answer any questions you may have about how the procedure could help you replace your missing teeth, the cost of dental implants and the award-winning TDC dental implant team.



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We aim to provide you with information that helps you make the best treatment decisions. In this section, we provide useful articles to answer the questions we are often asked, and tell you more about the award-winning TDC team.

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